strawn lawyered up at the speed of light

After a few relatively harmless texts (we fell asleep in our coffee mugs trying to read through them) and few slightly less harmless photographs were rooted out of dj Brennan Strawn's phone, the guy lawyered up and had his people send fire-and-brimstone threats out to every site distributing them. Dude. Beyonce can't even get something scrubbed from the internet, who does this guy think he is?

Unfortunately for him, he can't stop us from covering what was released even if we have to (yet again) deprive all of you of the kind of pictures and material that really would get us sued. Here's what you need to know: bro's getting some major play. How major? He's sticking it into so many famous chicks that we were too lazy to photoshop them all into the article image, which should tell you plenty. When he isn't flirting with Seren Waverley, he's going back and forth between close friends Ana King and Simone Venable. Hmm... one has to wonder if he was the lucky recipient of the threesome Venable joked about in leaked messages between she and King.
scout hehring caught snorting coke

Her PR team is @#$%ing themselves trying to fix this one, no doubt...

While no one is exactly sure where the video came from, footage of a blonde young woman bearing a striking resemblance to Scout Hehring doing lines off of a table at a party took the media by storm today before propelling the actress to one Twitter's trending topics while her fans reacted to the news. Many were quick to dismiss the possibility that the woman in the clip was actually Hehring, but they were shut up quickly by others who pointed out that, at one point, a tattoo that looks alarmingly like Hehring's is plainly visible when the woman lifts up her shirt.

Of course, her people are going to deny, deny, deny. More than one person can have the same tattoo... in the exact same place... while looking exactly like Scout Hehring. Right? In any case, it's almost impossible to confirm this 100% until we find out exactly whose phone the video was taken from.
alton tells us all how she really feels...

Everyone's public image is taking a hit today, dear friends. On second thought, the emails leaked from Academy Award nominated actress Elizabeth Alton's account today might actually endear her to a few of you. In exchanges with publicist Celine Ross, the actress rants about pretty much everything, including the indignity of having her imaginary character compared to Kim Kardashian and how Helen Mirren's apparently the only reason she doesn't have a Tony. But in our very favorite bit, she goes off about self-proclaimed feminists on their soapboxes:
"I could quite literally kick the arse of anybody who wants to come at me with shite about thinking my movie is bad for women. What's bad for women is a witch-hunt for anything that MAYBE just MAYBE might make A TEENY TINY ALLUSION to either the way things were in the Stone Age or imply (incorrectly) that ALL women are out to get men in trouble and lie about assault based on the FICTIONAL story of FICTIONAL nightmare psychopath. People are looking for fucking problems where there are none. Take on the real problems rather than raising unnecessary alarms."
Charming. We've always considered Alton a bit to prim and proper for us, but it's good to know she can keep it real behind closed doors. Why not let out a little of this the next time you're on Late Night, huh, Alton?